The auction house, Sotheby’s, recently released a short teaser of its upcoming (RED) charity auction with curators Jony Ive and Marc Newson describing how they selected and, in some cases, created the pieces up for bid. The (RED) auction is said to feature several products ranging from a surfboard to a red anodized Mac Pro that showcase what Ive and Newson believe to be some of the best examples of modern design. Ive explained the following:
The criteria that we both had was we both wanted to own each one really badly.
As pointed out in the video, many of the pieces have been “tinkered with” to add a bit of (RED) flair, while other ones such as the aluminum Leica M digital rangefinder camera were designed from the ground up. Ive previously mentioned that he expects the camera to potentially fetch up to $6 million on the block.
For those who can afford the hefty prices, the auction gives people a chance to own works made in collaboration between two of this century’s most important designers. Bono will be putting on the auction as part of his (RED) fund, which is good for its partnership with major retailers such as Apple.
Those of you interested in watching the video can do so below:
The charity event which is being called “Jony and Marc’s (RED) Auction,” will be taking place this upcoming Monday with benefits going to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
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