At the iOS developer conference of Google held in last month, Google launched Chrome for iOS. Within a very short time, that became a very popular web browser among iPhone and iPad users. Recently, advertising company Chitika has released some fresh statistics showing the market position of different iOS browsers. The new data shows that 1.4 percent of iPhone & iPad users have adopted Google's iOS version Chrome.
Last Tuesday, on July 17, mobile advertising firm Chitika has released a new report about the market share of different web browsers used by iPhone and iPad users. According to the released report, 85.7 percent iOS users use Apple’s built-in web browser Safari. 13% iOS users use other third-party apps for web browsing and only 1.4% users use Google’s Chrome browser in their iOS. Though, the market share of Chrome is very little, it is not bad for a browser which entered the iOS market just a month ago.
Source : Apple Insider
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