HP has launched two new 23-inch PCs in its all-in-one desktop product line. One is Envy 23 and another is Pavilion 23. HP might want to extend its Envy line to a desktop, because the company has released Envy 23 instead of 27-inch Omni all-in-one. It is known that HP has been inspired by 27-inch Omni to extend the usually well-considered Envy moniker. Envy 23 has a Ivy Bridge or AMD trinity processors, a 23-inch 1080p screen, up to 2TB HDD, a Blu-ray drive and a TV tuner etc.
Specifications of Envy 23 | |
Operating System | Customization available
Display |
Graphics | Customization available
Processor | Customization available
Memory | Customization available
Storage | Customization available
Networking |
Webcam |
Video Port |
Data Ports |
Audio |
Memory Card Reader |
Optical Drive | Customization available
The HP Envy 23 All-in-One price is started at $949 and it will be available on HP Store on August 2 and at selected retailers on August 5.
HP is also offering Pavilion 23 all-in-one desktop. This desktop PC has a 23-inch 1080p panel and it is also customizable with up to a 2TB hard drive and either Intel (up to Core i5 Ivy Bridge) or AMD CPUs.
Specifications of Pavilion 23 | |
Operating System |
Display |
Graphics |
Processor | Customization available
Memory |
Storage |
Networking |
Webcam |
Video | NVIDIA GeForce 610
Data Ports | Left I/O ports
Audio | Integrated High Definition audio
Memory Card Reader | Supports the following cards:
Optical Drive |
The HP Pavilion 23 All-in-One price is started at $649.99 and it is expected to be available at HP Home & Home Office on August 2 and selected retailers nationwide on August 5.
Source: HP ENVY 23, HP Pavilion 23
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