It’s time to enter into the new interact World! Leap motion today announced an incredible technology – world’s most accurate and cheaper 3D motion control technology. Unlike the Kinect, the Leap uses a different technology that the creators say allows for far greater accuracy and precision within a smaller space Leap represents an entirely new way to interact with your computers. It’s more accurate than a mouse, as reliable as a keyboard and more sensitive than a touchscreen.
The Leap hardware is a rectangular box that’s roughly the width of a laptop trackpad. It connects to the PC through a USB cable, and detects motion within four cubic feet. According to TechRadar, The almost insanely cheap $69.99, 4-inch camera plugs into your computer via USB.
“One day 3-D motion control will be in just about every device we interact with, and thanks to the Leap, that day is coming sooner than anyone expected,” CEO and co-founder Michael Buckwald says its technology is versatile enough to be used in smartphones, tablets, refrigerators and cars and will be tailored as such in the future.
Hope that Leap motion will integrate this new and awesome Motion Control Tech into Android Tablets and Smartphones very soon!
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